In lending and borrowing scenarios, the length of time in which the borrower will be making payments is called the “term” of the loan or advance. Terms are set time periods in which you make payments, and sometimes you can even pay off the loan early without incurring a penalty. There are both short-term and long-term loans, as well as short-term cash advances to consider for most borrowing purposes.
Understanding the difference between long-term and short-term loan options might help you choose one over the other in a particular situation you are facing, because there can definitely be advantages to either.
The typical term for a loan will depend on the loan type, and usually the amount. Larger amounts are almost never going to be short-term loans because the payments would be very large to cover the debt quickly. Standard loans that are long term would include things like your car loan, your mortgage, and maybe larger expenditures like an expensive medical procedure, a home upgrade, or something similar. Normally a long-term loan has a specifically designated purpose.
In addition to these options, you might also choose a short-term loan. Short-term loans are usually drawn for lesser amounts, and the payback (the term) covers much shorter time periods. These kinds of loans and advances are meant to tide one over between pay periods usually, or maybe to handle an emergency or an unusual expense. However, they can also be used as an additional, occasional source of income to augment a normal salary and help an individual protect themselves from falling into further debt.
Typical short-term loans might be used for any of the following purposes, and so much more:
Unlike a long-term loan, a short-term loan usually has no designated purpose and can be spent however the recipient sees fit. Most people will use these loans as a means to help things out between paychecks, but you can see they are in no way limited to these uses. Purchases like appliances and car repairs might simply make more sense handled with a short-term loan, rather than paying cash or putting it on a maxed-out credit card. The quicker term is very attractive to people who don’t want to become mired in a sea of long term debt.
At, we provide access to these kinds of loans every day to qualified borrowers just like you, so we encourage you to apply and see what you can get.
At we do not provide short-term loans ourselves. Instead, we partner with the best providers of short-term financing, and then we broker these services to you. You won’t have to shop around to try to find a reputable provider and a safe deal – we do all of that for you. Our partners must all share in our own dedication and commitment to safety, security, and the wellbeing of our customers. We work hard to provide you with safe options in financing, no matter what situation you might be currently facing.
You can simply complete our online application, which should take no more than maybe five minutes. A paperwork nightmare is not part of the drill here. We keep it simple and provide your request to our vetted partners who will give you an answer in minutes. Before you even click to leave the application screen, you will know whether or not our partners can provide you with an offer.
Please note, the actual offer details including the term and the amount you are receiving may differ from the amount/term you request. This is due to your specifics as well as the offers currently available from our partners. Every deal is handled with transparency and full disclosures, so make sure you know the specifics of anything you are agreeing to and accepting.
Once you accept a deal that has been offered on, you will have money in your designated account in hours…not days or weeks, or even longer like it would take to get a traditional long-term bank loan. You are free to spend the proceeds however you wish, and your term will vary but typically fall somewhere between three months and a year.
Once you obligation is settled, we encourage you to return and take advantage of this smart and simple funding whenever it makes sense to you.
Overall, most people will hold a variety of long-term loans, and possibly use some short-term options occasionally as needed. That is what we see every day at, and we are working hard to ensure every person can find what they need in short-term loans right here.
The longer a loan’s term, typically the lower the interest rate will be as well, so the lowest payments to be made would be to pay back these loans. However, the longer term is not attractive to some people who would prefer to get out of debt more quickly, so they might opt for a slightly higher payment and a higher interest rate to reap the timing benefits of short-term loans.
Most experts would suggest that you don’t weight your financial obligations too far toward either side. Locking yourself into long-term options might seem wise because of the lower payments, but you will stay in debt for a much longer period of time that way.
Getting too many short-term loans is also not advisable, so a balanced approach to your financing will likely serve you the best. Having ready access to short term loans and using them only as needed is a smarter way to think about your money.
We encourage you to use as your connection to safe and secure options in short term financing. One simple online application is all it takes, and you can get connected to the money you need to handle a wide variety of potential issues and purchases.